
hapy birthday to my auntie jam. :)

hapy birthday to u,
hapy birthday to u,
hapy birthday to auntie jam,
hapy birthday to u.......

hakhakhak! auntie ak ke? 
auntie jam uh mak amer :DD
gare2 amer x bgtau awal2 bufday mak dye today, 
so ak xdeh preparation nk bg pape tok mak dye.

huhu.dok pikir bufday present tok mak ak, 
tuptup mak amer pnye bufday yang dtg dulu. 
haisshh. nk bg ape pon aku x tau. 
kek ok kot?
tp cm bosan jewp bg kek. 
 nk bgy smthing else tkot over bajet.
al-maklumlah, tga pokai.

kihkihkih. anyway, hapy birthday auntie
may ALLAH bless u ok :)

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